'Light That Dances in the Mind'
Graham Smith
Not Available
Proust's Imaginary Museum
Gabrielle Townsend
Ford Madox Ford
Laura Colombino
Bodies of Poems
Lennart Nyberg
Critical Exchange
Carol Adlam and 1 more
Spiritual Identities
Jo Carruthers and 1 more
Collecting and Appreciating
Simone Francescato
Dante in the Nineteenth Century
N. R. Havely
Will the Modernist
Giovanni Cianci and 1 more
Writing Art
Emma Wagstaff
J. Barrie Bullen
William Morris in the Twenty-First Century
Phillippa Bennett and 1 more
Pierre Klossowski
Hervé Castanet
"The Germ"
Paola Spinozzi and 1 more
The Poetics of Sight
John Harvey
Roger Fry’s ‘Difficult and Uncertain Science’
Adrianne Rubin
Immaterial Culture
Harry Heuser
The Hand of the Interpreter
Eric Jarosinski
Behind the Image
Judith A. Kidd
Performativity in the Gallery
Networks of Stone
Helle Hochscheid
The Paradigm Case
Bernard McCarron
Spatial Perspectives
Terri Mullholland
Internationalism and the Arts in Britain and Europe at the "Fin de Siècle"
Grace Brockington
Roman Shakespeare
Daniela Guardamagna
Dancing with Time
John Powell
Water and Women in the Victorian Imagination
J. B. Bullen
Mediality of Smells / Médialité des odeurs
Pre-Raphaelites in the Spirit World
Pre-Raphaelite Sisters
The Exhibit in the Text
Caroline Patey and 1 more